Something which you might have seen in stores which you did not know that you can make yourself is DIY tie dye crocs!

When it comes to doing a DIY tie dye project, people often assume that you can only really work with fabric since this is what you see most DIY tie dye projects being focused on, but it turns out that there are plenty more options than just that.
Also, when you see store bought tie dye crocs, there is a good chance that you might not like the colors which are used on the tie dye, but that is all that is available.
But, with this project, there is no chance of that happening since you get complete control over the colors yourself. One of the other best things about this specific project is that you do not have to use spray paint.
With a lot of similar DIY tie dye croc methods, you will have to use spray paint, but the main problem with this is that spray paint can be pretty expensive, and it can also be pretty dangerous to work with, especially if you want to do this project with kids.
This is also a method which is not dip dyeing or hydro dyeing, which can work great for some people, but they can often give you results which are simply not what you hoped for.
A lot of those methods also rely on using spray paint, and since you need to be 18 to purchase spray paint in a lot of places, this method can end up being pretty restrictive.
Also, if you do this method, there is a good chance that as the crocs bend and move, the paint will start to peel off over time.
Even if you use a sealant, this method can still cause a lot of trouble. That is why we use the method in this guide since you are actually dying your crocs instead of painting on top of it.
There is one caveat being that since crocs are made from a plastic that is resistant to dye, the colors will be more faded than they usually look, but the pastel look you get will still look amazing, but if you want a more saturated color than pastel, then you might need to look for another method.
So, if you are interested in working out how to make crocs in this way, then this guide will give you all the information you need in a way that is simple and easy to understand!
We are going to go through the specific materials that you are going to need and explain why you need them, and then carefully go through the method of making these crocs so you know exactly what you are going to need to do with no room for mistakes.
So, if you want some cute custom made DIY tie dye crocs, then keep reading!
Materials You Need To Make DIY Tie Dye Crocs
The most important thing to getting success in this project is to ensure that the dye you are using is made to specifically work with synthetic materials.
If you do not do this, then you will struggle to get the color to stick onto the crocs. One of the best brands which we have gotten the best success with is the iDye Poly by Jacquard, or the DyeMore Synthetic by Rit.
It is worth noting that even though you will get great results when using either of these dyes, that the option by Jacquard is a powder dye, and the option by Rit is a liquid dye.
There are pros and cons to either of these options, and if you have experimented with dyeing before, then there is a good chance that you already have a preference.
We personally prefer using the powder, this is because it lets you have more control over what you are doing since you can change the water to dye ratio more accurately.
So, for the dye, you will want to choose whichever color or colors you want.
You will still get a great tie dye effect if you use just 1 color, but for the best results, we recommend using 2 or 3 colors which are easy to distinguish.
You can use more colors, but the more colors you are using, the more likely it is for your final result to look a little more muddy and hard to look at. So aside from the dye, what else are you going to need for this project?
Perhaps the most obvious thing you will need is white crocs. We would recommend getting official crocs since this is designed to work on that type of plastic, but if you find unofficial crocs which use the same or a similar type of plastic than those will work well.
We also strongly recommend going with white crocs. This way you will get the most true color when you are using this method, however, you could use another pale shade if you want.
However, if you are not using white you will want to take into account how the color you are dyeing with will blend with the color of the croc. You are also going to need to get acetone, or a simple nail polish remover.
If you do not have either already, both are quite easy to find in a simple beauty supply store. You will also need to have paper towels, as well as a normal shaving cream.
You are going to need cups to store each color in, as well as plastic wrap. Aside from these, the only other things you will need are access to water, as well as latex gloves.
If you do not use the gloves, you are very likely to stain your hands, and make a bigger mess, this is why we strongly recommend you use gloves!
This is all you need for this project, part of what we love about this method is that you do not need to buy much which you do not have already, making this a cheaper method compared to relying on spray paint!
How To Make DIY Tie Dye Crocs
The first thing you are going to need to do is prepare your crocs to be dyed.
This is probably one of the least important steps, however, if you want the results to be as good as possible, then this is something which you are going to want to do.
You will want to remove as much dirt as possible to ensure that your dye will stay vibrant for as long as possible.
To do this we recommend removing the straps, and then wiping down the crocs completely with acetone. This is not just going to remove any dirt, but it is also going to get rid of dirt and oils as well.
On top of this, wiping down the plastic with acetone is going to ensure that the plastic is ready to dye.
When you are working with acetone like this, we recommend that you use gloves as well. However, this can burn through the plastic a little bit, so try to avoid too much direct contact between the gloves and the plastic.
Once you are happy with how prepared the crocs are, you are going to want to prepare the dyes. To do this you need to add some shaving cream into one of your cups.
Once you have done this, you sprinkle in some of the dye which you are using. If you are using a powder dye you will want to ensure that when you are not using the dye keep the bag inside the box, this way you will not lose track of which dye is which.
If you are using powder, you will want to add a little bit of water to make the mixture a little creamier, but only add a little at a time.
If you are using the liquid dye, then this is likely not to be that important. Then you want to mix it together so they are all incorporated and easy to work with.
Once you have gotten all of your colors prepared, you want to put all of the shaving cream into a bowl, and then add a little water to again help you get a creamier texture, if you have made meringues before, you are going for the texture it has before you bake them.
Then you are going to use some plastic wrap on your table, and make sure you will have enough wrap to wrap around at least one of the crocs and a little extra.
There is a good chance that you are going to have to overlap the layers. When you have the wrap down you are going to spread the shaving cream onto the plastic wrap in a rectangular shape the size of one of the crocs.
Then get each of your dyes which you prepared earlier, and spread them over the white layer.
You can do dots, drops, lines, or swirls, just make sure that you are equally distributing the colors and not spreading them too much so they muddy each other.
Once you have used enough of the dye, you can use something like a popsicle stick, or spoon to draw lines and swirl through the shaving cream to create a pattern which looks similar to tie dye.
Again, make sure that you are not mixing everything too aggressively otherwise you are going to end up with muddy colors.
Once you have done this you want to grab one of the crocs and then flip this upside down and place it into your dye shaving cream mix.
Then lift up the sides so they are touching the sides of the shoe, and try to make sure there is as little air as possible in there so they are always in contact with the shoe.
Then you want to wrap the plastic up and around the bottom of the shoe. If there is an opening, you can use another piece of plastic wrap to seal it up and add some security.
Then you are going to want to lightly but securely smoosh and squeeze the shoe to ensure that the dye is spreading on the croc and that you are going to get good coverage.
Then you are going to want to repeat this process for the other shoe. Also, you might want to make a smaller version of the plastic wrap for the straps of each shoe if you want them to match the rest when you re attach them.
Once you have done this, you are going to want to leave each of the shoes to set for at least 6 hours, however, if you want to ensure the best results, we recommend waiting for a full 24 hours.
You can go a little longer, but after this point we do not really think it is worth the extra wait.
Then, when you think they are ready, just unwrap the shoe, and rinse off all of the shaving foam under running water. At this point they should be completely ready to wear!
Depending on color choices, the results can be mixed, but if you chose colors which stand out well, then the results are sure to look great!
Frequently Asked Questions
What Type Of Crocs Are The best To Dye?
As we mentioned earlier, we recommend using standard crocs because they will take this dye the best, however, most unofficial crocs are designed in a similar enough way that if you prepare them with acetone like we recommended, you should get some great results.
We also recommend that you stick to working with white crocs since these will keep the color the best and will get the most vibrant results.
However, if you want to work with a slightly more pigmented crocs base, then a pastel base could work well, however, you will just want to consider how much the colors will blend when you are dying it.
This method is actually pretty easy to adapt though, and any shoe which is made from a material that is similar to crocs should work well.
Is Hydro Dipping An Option?
Yes, one other method that is quite popular when it comes to dyeing crocs is using hydro dipping. However, this method does have some clear flaws, and it is a little less simple and safe as the shaving cream method we have here.
However, if you are familiar with hydro dipping, and understand the unique drawbacks that can come with hydro dipping products, then it could work for you. But, we much prefer using this method.
Why Not Hydro Dip Crocs?
As we mentioned in the previous point, a lot of people will choose to hydro dip their crocs, but this method has some major drawbacks.
There are some obvious ones being that spray paint can be dangerous to work with, and this is why it is not available for people under the age of 18.
Also, hydro dipping is essentially just painting in a more unconventional method, and since crocs will need to flex and move so much while you are using them, there is a strong chance that when you are doing this, the paint will flake off.
Some people think that this can be helped by using a sealant, but even so, the paint will eventually start to flake.
Will Regular Dye Work On Crocs?
No, this is because normal dye that is designed for tie dying fabric is not designed for synthetic materials like crocs. It might make a temporary mark, but all it will do is end up making the crocs look bad.
Hopefully this guide has given you all the information you need on how to get the best results when dyeing crocs.
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